June 7,The how to play blackjack Committee of our college conducted the last how to play blackjack class and organizational relationship transfer training meeting blackjack casino of 2024 undergraduate graduates in the 221 classroom。Li Jie, Secretary of the how to play blackjack Committee of the College, and Yin Yapong, the organizer of the college, teach a special how to play blackjack lesson for the graduates,2024 all undergraduate graduates how to play blackjack members attended the meeting。


First,Yin Yarong explained in detail the specific processes and precautions of the transfer of the organization relationship,Let the how to play blackjack members of the graduates have a clearer understanding and understanding of the transfer of the relationship between the organization,Make sure that each how to play blackjack member can successfully complete the transfer of the organizational relationship。


Subsequent,Li Jie uses blackjack live "Strict Decision Rules,As a qualified how to play blackjack member who is loyal and clean "as the topic,For the how to play blackjack members who are about to go to work and continue their studies, how to play blackjack rules and discipline education。She led everyone to learn important speech by General Secretary Xi Jinping at the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Discipline Inspection Commission,In -depth interpretation of some terms of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist how to play blackjack of China",Based on typical cases for warning education,Encourage how to play blackjack members who are about to go to the new journey,Cherish political life,Loyal Serving the People,blackjack online game Develop the habit of accepting the supervision of the people inside and outside the how to play blackjack,Always maintain the advancedness and purity of how to play blackjack members。


Last,Li Jie led the participating how to play blackjack members to revisit the how to play blackjack's oath,For the how to play blackjack flag,Solemn oath。powerful oath,Expressing the firm political belief of all graduates of how to play blackjack members,Don’t forget the original heart、firm determination to struggle forever。


Graduate how to play blackjack members said,They will keep in mind the teachings of schools and teachers,Study at new learning、Inheritance and carry forward the fine tradition of Dongda University in the job,Add to the how to play blackjack flag,Add Lottery for Alma Mater。

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