To help the majority of students understand the current postgraduate entrance examination situation,Formulating the postgraduate goal for reasonable,Our Academy held the postgraduate interpretation meeting of the School of Computer and Communication Engineering at 129 at the Hall of Engineering on June 20,The meeting was lectured by Song Xin, the dean of the college, and Wang Cong, deputy dean of the college,College 2021 all undergraduates attended the meeting。

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Will on the way,Song Xin and Wang Cong comprehensively analyzed the trend of postgraduate entrance 2024 European Cup football live scores examination admission rates and the trend of the proportion of universities for the admission rate of the computer and electronic information.。Generally speaking,In recent years, the overall decline in the entrance examination admission rate has been obvious,The competition is becoming more intense,The increase in the proportion of universities for exemption from colleges and universities is obvious,The higher the proportion of exemption,The difficulty of unified examinations increases。The meeting analyzed the value of the postgraduate entrance examination、Risk 2024 European Cup Football Result Betting and career plan,Hope students can choose school reasonably、Prepare exams carefully,And it is recommended to do a good job of alternatives,Actively participate in autumn tricks。


Future,The School of Computer and Communication Engineering will continue to pay attention to the postgraduate entrance examination situation,Provide more comprehensive students for students、In -depth postgraduate guidance and support。I believe under the strong support and guidance of the college,Students will be able to prepare for the postgraduate entrance examination smoothly,Get excellent results。

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