The summer of the summer sounds,The taste of the parting farther is stronger。We meet in the early autumn,in Midsummer,This hurried four years,Ruhong Tax Snow,Bai Ku over gap。June,Human voice is boiling,This is such a noisy season,But carry a grand parting。No complaints 殇,No complaints 殇,Just say treasure,Please 2024 European Cup Football Result Betting take it into action,Actively respond to alma mater call,Consciously practice the following initiative:


First, keep in mind the school rules and practice

Actively cooperate with the school's work arrangements,Check the relevant procedures according to the process,Draw a successful end to the university。Public facilities in love school,Public items borrowed before leaving school,Make sure the dormitory environment is clean and tidy,Just as the original appearance。Maintaining the consistent civilization style of the work of work,Not fight,Don’t drink,Can't afford to coax,Maintaining the tranquility and sacredness of the campus。Improve safety precautions,Pay attention to the safety of electricity for electricity; do a safe investigation 2024 European Cup Football Result Betting before leaving school; pay attention to personal,property security,Beware of telecommunications fraud related to graduation。


Second, remember the warmth of the kindness

Shi En Ru Mountain,engraved heart。Before leaving,I said a sincere thanks to all teachers,Thanks for their tireless teachings and obscure payment。Student teenagers,Fenghua Zhengmao。When parting,Give my classmate,Give a blessing to my friends,I wish we can be alive and bright。Actively participate in various graduation season activities,Learn from schoolmates and sisters to teach my precious experience lessons,Keep the splendid eternity with punching love。


Third, adjust the value of mentality achievement

Everything in life must be,跬 廓 廓。Perhaps your front road is still a Today’s European Cup football predictions little confused,But please keep a peaceful mentality,The belief of firm must win。Those who are in the country of mind,responsibility mission mission,Get ambitions in Xintiandi in the new era,Jian Gong and Establishing Industry,Let youth bloom gorgeous flowers in the place where the motherland and the people are most needed!

Positive wind in front of the waves,Fellsmaking Shaohua to fight for night。Classmates,Our story began in the autumn of the beginning of 19,But it will not end this summer,I hope we take the memory of Dongqin with the wind,Enter the sea,Go to the next port with blood full of blood。No matter where you are,Please always remember "self -improvement,The spirit of the school motto of Zhiyi ",firm 2024 European Cup Betting Site in Germany ideals and beliefs,Planting patriotic feelings。I wish us belief,But the soul free,I wish us a wide range of life in the future,Every summer of the way,All grass and green onions,Vibration。


I sincerely wish all the graduates of 2023, my classmates, here to go to the star sea,Flowers all the way!




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