Wang Junwei,Male,Born in January 1971,People from Fengning, Hebei,Doctor of Engineering for Computer System Structure of Northeast University,Professor of Northeast University,Master's Graduate Mandrers。Currently taught in the Department of Computer Science and Technology of Computer Science,College scientific research team "Next Generation Today’s European Cup football predictions Network Technology 985 Lab"Researchers.Currently mainly engaged inMobile social network、Next generation of Internet、Scientific research and teaching work in the field of network routing protocol and algorithm。Participate in the National Natural Science Foundation of China 1 item 1、National Natural Science Foundation of China 3 items、2 items of doctoral dots of the Ministry of Education、The Ministry of Education's Central University Basic Scientific Research Business Fees Funding Project、Provincial Natural Science FundResearch on scientific research projects of national and provincial and ministerial levels, finishedChengMoDesign and development and application of enterprise projects。In recent years, he has published many academic papers with the first author,Guide students to participate in various countries and provincesMinistry -level Science and Technology Competition,Won the title of "Excellent Instructor" many times。July 2010 RongThe title of "Eighth Batch of Professional 2024 European Cup Football Result Betting and Technical Drawing Talents of Qinhuangdao City"。

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