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Ma Xuelian,Female,Born in January 1981,Liaoning Gaizhou,Ph.D. in the Radio Physics of the School of Information Science and Technology, Peking University,The current teaching inDepartment of how to play blackjack Engineeringhow to play blackjack engineering major, lecturer,Researcher "Wireless how to play blackjack and Electromagnetic Compatibility Laboratory" researcher。

Currently mainly engaged inOptical Fiber how to play blackjack,wireless light how to play blackjack,Atmospheric laser how to play blackjack,Scientific research and teaching work in the theory of light transmission in the atmosphere。In recent years, the first author is inForeign SCI Journal"Applied Optics""(SCI three districts,2015),"Journal of photon"(EI Chinese core,2015PublishedAcademicThere are many papers.Published by Northeast University Press with the second bookAcademic"Micro Filter Structure and Design" (ISBN: 9787551721400,Publishing Date: 2019-07-04) 1

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