Jia Shouqing,Male,Born in January 1981,People from Jun County, Henan,Doctor of PhD in PhD in Microwave Technology in Peking University Electromagnetic Field and Microwave Technology,LecturerCurrent teachingsElectronic informationEngineering DepartmentElectronic information engineering major,Researcher "Intelligent Information Treatment and Microwave Technology Lab" researcher。

Currently mainly engaged inElectromagnetic field and microwave technology,Scientific research and in the direction of signal and information processingTalent trainingWork。As a project leader, host the National Natural Science Foundation of China Youth Science Fund (61601105,2016), etc.Research on the project.

The first author is inSCI Journal"Chinese Physics B"(SCI four districts, 2019),"Chinese Physics Letters"(SCI four districts, 2019),"Computer Physics Communications"(SCI District,2018-06-01; 2018-04-01)Published a number of academic papers, fromPublishing of Northeast University PressAcademicSpecialty "Electromagnetic waves in bending space and space"(ISBN: 978-7-5517-2026-7, Publishing Date: 2018-10-20) 1

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