LiuZhigang,Male,Born in January 1975,People from Xinxiang, Henan,Bachelor of Engineering and Science of Control theory and Control Engineering of Northeast University、Master and PhD,Professor of Northeast University,Doctoral supervisor,Famous Teacher Teaching Teacher,Hebei Provincial Teachers Moral Model,The third level of the "Three -Three Three Three Talent Projects" in Hebei Province。The current deputy dean of the School of Computer and Communication Engineering,Responsible for the scientific research of the college、2024 European Cup Football Result Betting Graduate training and discipline construction work。College "Test Direction 985 Lab" and "Scenario Perception Lab" (for graduate students,Open for excellent undergraduates)。

Currently mainly engaged in sensor network、Cognitive signal processing、Scientific research and talent training in visual tracking and behavioral recognition and forecast。Presiding the National Natural Science Foundation on the face、Hebei Province Nature Fund Project、Central university basic scientific research business fee exploration guide key project,and many scientific research 2024 European Cup Football Result Betting topics such as Shenyang Automation Research Institute of China。In recent years, the first author has been in "IEEE Sensors Journal"、"Signal Processing"、"Future Generation Computer Systems"、"Image and Vision Computing"、"Digital Signal Processing"、"Chinese Science"、"Journal of Electronic"、"Communication Journal" and other domestic and foreign journals published academic papers for multiple articles。Published by Tsinghua University Press, publishing independent monograph "Sensor Network Node Positioning and Collaboration 2024 European Cup football live scores Tracking" 1,1 item of the authorized invention patent and utility model patent with the first inventor。Won the title of Outstanding Teacher of the Qinhuangdao Branch of Northeast University 2016-2018。

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