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Fan Kuan, female,1987Year2Birth of the month,People from Jinzhou, Liaoning,PhD in blackjack online application technology in Northeast University。Currently taught in the Internet of Things Engineering of blackjack online Engineering,Lecturer,College scientific research team "Information Security Lab "and"Future Network Security Protection Lab" researcher.

Currently mainly engaged in cloud data security,Studies in the direction of information security。Hostblackjack online Foundation of China (62102075, 2021) 1 item.As the main participants, participate in the blackjack online Foundation of the blackjack online Foundation: Blur multi -attribute decision -making safety calculation and privacy protection key technology research、blackjack online Foundation: Research on a number of topics such blackjack casino as service -oriented mobile communication users' privacy protection system and key technologies。

In recent years, the first author has used academic journals at home and abroad"Future Generation blackjack online Systems"(SCIA district,2019), "The Journal of Supercomputing"(SCIFour District,2018)、KSII Transactions on Internet & Information Systems"(SCIFour District,2019) Published multiple papers。As the main participants, participate in the blackjack online Foundation of China: Blog Multi -attribute decision -making safety calculation and key technologies for privacy protection、blackjack online Foundation: Research on a number of topics such blackjack casino as service -oriented mobile communication users' privacy protection system and key technologies。

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