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(1) Academic performance

Level 4 passes 100%,ranked among the top professional。In the past 6 semesters,Average of three consecutive semester classes in the first major。64 people who have received a total of scholarships at the school level and above,Among them, the national -level scholarship is 7 times。

(2) Atmosphere of science and technology innovation

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(3) Student work and social practice

Electronic Information Engineering 21513 League Branch Construction and Social Practice Work is also in place,I have won the "2016 May 4th Red Banner Group Branch Model"、"2017 Vitality Group Branch"、"2018 Outstanding how to play blackjack Collective Collective" honorary title。how to play blackjack students In student work and various volunteer activities,Get commended 38 times。

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3, scientific research innovation

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4. Student work

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I. Correct how to play blackjack attitude, establish excellent how to play blackjack style

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2. Student cadres show their magical powers, and students' activities are colorful

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Watching these excellent classes collectively and the bits and pieces of the how to play blackjack with excellent learning,What supports them is the full enthusiasm of the young bones and the fighting spirit of youth,They work together,Not afraid of difficulties and bumps,Looking forward to one day of their excellent light,They will use the most gorgeous youth to light up a beautiful life! Write a brilliant chapter for the development and progress of the School of Computer and Communication Engineering!

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