1  Students entering the laboratory must strictly abide by the various rules and regulations of the laboratory。
        Two  Before experiment, you must carefully preview,Master the experimental 2024 European Cup Official Website Betting Predictions purpose、Principles and requirements,Understanding the steps and methods of the experiment,Familiar with the performance and operating procedure of experimental instrument equipment,Write preview report,Otherwise, you must not perform experiments。
        Article 3  During the experimental process,You must listen to the guidance of teachers and experimental technicians,It is not allowed to use other instruments and equipment that has nothing to do with this experiment。
        Article 4  Time,We must have a serious attitude,To do it carefully,Observe it carefully,Active analysis Today’s European Cup football predictions thinking,Record the experimental data truthfully; the experimental data must be signed by the teacher's review。Experimental failure or unqualified experimental results need to be re -experiment,Re -time is determined by the instructor。
        Article 5  Pay attention to personal safety in the experiment,To abide by the operating regulations,Ai Huoluo Experimental Instrument Equipment,When the instrument and equipment fails,Stop using immediately,Take the necessary security measures and report the instructor。Anyone who violates discipline or operating procedures causes damage to the experimental 2024 European Cup Football Result Betting instrument,Fill in the accident damage report and write a written inspection,Processing according to the relevant regulations of the school。
        Article 6  Experimental time,To save water、Electricity and experimental materials; keep environmental hygiene; after the experiment is over,Clean up the instrument and equipment、Tools and surrounding environments,and after inspection and acceptance by the teacher (or laboratory staff),Fang can leave the laboratory。
        Article 7  Make up、Re -experiments,After the teacher's permission must be performed at the laboratory at the prescribed time。
        Article 8  Students should independently complete the specified experiment content,Careful experimental records,According to requirements,Independent、Carefully write the experimental report,Eventory of disciplinary phenomena such as plagiarism,Discipline、Cheating people will make serious treatment in accordance with the relevant regulations of teaching management。

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