Quality indicator

Quality Elements

Observation point

Quality Evaluation Standard


Evaluation score

Checking method

Experimental teaching effect

Experimental ability training

Experimental design ability and operating skills

Can propose the design plan correctly; the various instruments required to correctly operate the experiment、Equipment and device; the number of students who can independently analyze and solve the problem of difficult problems in the experimental process

A: ≥80%

b: ≥70%

C: ≥60%

d: & lt; 60%


Spring inspection experiments, randomly check students to conduct experiments.

Comprehensive analysis and data processing ability

Correct records and sort Today’s European Cup football Today’s European Cup football predictions predictions out data,Correct analysis experiment results,Figure accurately、Drawing number of students

A: ≥90%

b: ≥80%

C: ≥70%

d: & lt; 70%


Spring inspection experiment report

Experimental quality inspection

Experimental report quality

The content of the experiment report is complete、Reinforcement、Performance design、Correct concept、Clear,The original data is complete、Data processing correct、Error analysis is tight,Writing neat,The chart clearly meets the number of students in the requirements of technical document writing specifications

A: ≥90%

b: ≥80%

C: ≥70%

d: & lt; 70%


Spring inspection experiment report

Experimental average results

Student Experimental Course Gets Comparative / Total number of students who should participate in the experiment

A: ≥85 points

B: 75-85 points

C: 60 ~ 75 points

d: & lt; 60 points


Check this course experimental results

experimental failure rate

The number of people who fail to pass the number of students who have participated 2024 European Cup Betting Site in Germany in the 2024 European Cup football live scores experiment and the number of students who do not have the experiment for no reason,In addition to the number of students who should participate in the experiment。

A: ≤3%

b: ≤5%

C: ≤10%

d: & gt; 5%


Check this course experimental results

Quality indicator

Quality Elements

Observation point

Quality Evaluation Standard




Checking method

2024 European Cup Betting 2024 European Cup football live scores Site in Germany Experimental teaching reform

Experimental teaching content and teaching methods reform

Comprehensive and design experiments

Comprehensive and Design Experimental Percent = Term of Comprehensive and Design Experiments/Examinations specified in the Outline。

A: ≥50%.

B: ≥30%.

C: ≥10%.

d: & lt; 10%.


Settlement of Teaching and Experimental Report

Laboratory Open

A: Laboratory Open,There are management regulations。Students can often conduct open experiments,There are records and experimental reports and summaries。

b: Laboratory open,There are management regulations。A small number of students can conduct open experiments,There are records and experimental reports and summaries。C: Laboratory Open,There are management 2024 European Cup football live scores regulations。2024 European Cup Official Website Betting Predictions Almost no students can conduct open experiments。

D: The laboratory is not open and there is no management regulations.


Regulations for random inspection management and open records.

Teaching methods and features

A: There are experimental content updates and new technologies,New method application。Computer auxiliary teaching,Have your own experimental device and experimental content,Combination of extra -curricular science and technology activities and experiments。greatly improved the quality of experimental teaching。

B: There are experimental content updates and new technologies,New method application。Computer Auxiliary Teaching,Have your own experimental device and internal


Checking class, random inspection experiments

Evaluation Opinions

Evaluation results

Evaluation Group: (signature)

Nianyue Day

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