Spring light is just blackjack online right,Sun Zhengqing,It is a good time for spring tour。In order to allow faculty and staff to experience the vibrant breath of spring,Close to nature,May 20,The branch of the School of Computer and Communication Engineering organizes faculty members to go to the "Yansai Stone Forest" chaos knife,Happy Pass "2023 Spring Tour。

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"Jieyu in the people's realm,Plank Road Wangyuan Mountain,With the gentle spring breeze,10 am,Everyone arrives at the gate of the scenic area by bus,Take the small traffic of the scenic area between the mountains and the mountains。Overlooking blackjack online game the mountain view,Start in the scroll; look at the strange stone,Amazing in Quanzhi。After entering the scenic area,Everyone laughs all the way on every observation platform,The "photographers" in the team have changed the focal length of the viewfinder,"Artists" have already outlined a beautiful picture in their minds。The unique Panshan hanging boardwalk,The boardwalk is established by the mountains,Connected with the continuous Qingshan is connected,Viewed from the mountains and pine,Far view of the mountains around the mountains。With the help of nature's ghost blackjack casino ax,Teachers get full -hearted relaxation,Feel full of happiness。

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This spring tour activity is to build a harmonious hospital,Forming a good working atmosphere played a positive role。Walk in the good spring light,Relax of the beautiful scenery,It is conducive to better investing in work in the future。2023 is the beginning of fully implementing the 20th spirit of the party,It is also the college to promote reform and innovation、The key year for deepening development strives to make new breakthroughs。Under the leadership of the school union,Branch organizes this activity through the organization,blackjack online Further concentration,Inspiring Spirit,Inspired the majority of teachers to maintain a positive mental state,Write a new era teaching and scientific research、Satisfaction answer sheet of ideological and political leaders。

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