2024 European Cup Official Website Betting Predictions [According to words] He Yan from the minority gathering area of ​​the minority of Guizhou Province。During school,He studied hard,Actively participate in the science and technology competition,Many scholarships and science and technology competition awards have been awarded many times,After graduation, choose to go to the grassroots、Given the grassroots、Serving the people,I obtained the selection of Guizhou Province,Try to do practical things for the people in the hometown、Do good deeds,Showing the state of determination to work hard、Persist in charge in front、The new era youth style of serving the people。

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He Yan,Male,Member of the Communist Party of China,Tu Family,Northeast University Qinhuangdao Branch Computer and Communication Engineering School 2017 IoT Engineering Student。During the school, he served as Deputy Minister of the Research Department of the School Student Union,Many schools of comprehensive scholarships、School Innovation and Entrepreneurship Scholarship; Actively participate in the science and technology competition,Once won the provincial second prize of the National College Student Electronic Design Competition、National University Student Smart Car Competition 2024 European Cup Official Website Betting Predictions North China Division Outstanding Award。After graduation,His original heart has no regrets to take root at the grassroots level,Application for the selection of students in the Miao and Dai Autonomous Prefecture of the Guizhou southeast of Guizhou Province,It was assigned to the cadre of the village in Holy Village, Rongjiang County,Struggle with my own learning on the front line,Strive to be the examiner of the new era,Dream chasers who have rooted at the grassroots level,Let the youth scroll depict at the grassroots level,Let the dream of youth bloom at the grassroots level。

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From Guizhou Mountains to the vast North China Plain,He Yan who just entered the university will know,His life ushered in the most beautiful but most challenging journey。I learned from a classmate at a time at the beginning of school: The college entrance examination is the same test paper,Also came to the Qinhuangdao Branch of Northeast University,The score line of other provinces is a lot higher than Guizhou Province。This makes him feel fortunate and stressed,He knows that it is not easy for learning opportunities -it is the party and the country's college entrance examination extraction 2024 European Cup Betting Site in Germany policy for ethnic minorities to give him the opportunity to enter school。"Education I receive,Not to get rid of the hometown of poverty,but to let my hometown get rid of poverty "。He Yan who just entered school vowed secretly in his heart: must study hard,Continuous challenge self,Discover your potential and specialty,Not upset party,Effective motherland with knowledge and skills、Give back to my hometown,Contributions to the Chinese Dream of the Great Renaissance of the Chinese nation。

The power of the line knows the deepening, and the depth of knowing is to become increasing

After professional learning,He Yan actively participated in science and technology competitions。He joined the school smart car laboratory,and achieved fruitful results,Won the provincial second prize of the National College Student Electronic Design Competition、National University Student Smart Car Competition North China Division won the honor and other honors。He seriously learn related professional skills,Frequent teachers of professional courses、Teammates who fight together to exchange discussions together,Fighting in the laboratory all night is also his normal。"Only continuously explore and expand your professional field,Try and improved,2024 European Cup Betting Site in Germany can we improve its comprehensive quality。"to make a smart car in the laboratory requires a lot of time and energy,More tacit cooperation with teammates,He Yan has established a deep friendship with each other in the Dranda -Day of the team。

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2021,He Yan resolutely chose to respond to the national call,Application for the targeted selection of the Miao and Dai Autonomous Prefecture of the southeast of Guizhou,I hope what I learned can help build my hometown。

As a grassroots staff,Everything you do affects the implementation of this land policy、The well -being of the people,Selection of students at the grassroots level,The distance from the masses is also recent。Grassroots work made He Yan realize: serving the masses not only need to take a pragmatic route,More importantly, to sink down,"Do it immediately,True Grabbing,Do it if you do it,dripping water through stone ",Always adhere to the people -centered development idea,Serving the masses,Persist in listening to more、Running、Duo。Election from the representative of the People's Congress,Go to the village director to change,From visiting poverty alleviation households to party members to send warmth,From flood resistance to disaster relief and Today’s European Cup football predictions condolences,Revitalizing a zero distance close to the rural life, let He Yan see the simple appearance of the farmers。I also saw the practical needs of farmers。

After serving as a cadre in the village of Holy Village, Guzhou Town, Rongjiang County,He Yan uses his own professional advantages,Actively connect with the Guizhou Southeast ICBC、China Mobile Company,Give full play to the advantages of functional,Promoting the first counting Zhizhi Rural Command Center in Guzhou Town, Guzhou Town, Rongjiang County、Ping An Village Video Monitoring System Platform。On the deployment of the country's "Accelerating 5G Infrastructure Construction",He gives full play to the reserve support of the state selection unit,Building the first 5G base station in Happy Village,Realize the whole village covered 5G network。Working in the village is still continuing,He Yan will keep in mind the mission,Continue to do a good job of work in the new era in the village,Know the responsibility、Responsible for the body、Shopping responsibilities,constantly promoting the village to work in a new level,Unremitting struggle to achieve the goal of rural revitalization。

No matter where the future is,He Yan will always practice "self -improvement、Knowledge and Film One 2024 European Cup Official Website Betting Predictions "school motto spirit,Every step of your life,Report the motherland、Serving the people,Integrate personal ideal pursuit into the great journey of national rejuvenation,Contributing youth for the comprehensive construction of a socialist modern country。

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