In accordance with the "Notice on the Selection blackjack casino Ninth University of Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship" Principles "(East University Creation (2023) No. 8) Requirements。 Notice blackjack casino recommendation blackjack casino selection and recommendation blackjack casino ninth student innovation and entrepreneurship "principal" blackjack casino Northeast University

1. Application object

Undergraduate, graduate blackjack casino

2. Selection conditions

(1) Basic conditions

1. Love the motherland,Support the leadership blackjack casino Communist Party of China,There are high blackjack online game ideological and political quality;

2. Model compliance with national laws and regulations and school rules and regulations,Have good ideological morality and social morality;

3. Learning attitude is correct, the style of learning is rigorous, and the purpose is clear.

(2) Except for basic conditions,It should also have the following conditions:

1. Get the provincial and ministerial level and above scientific and technological achievements awards or state、International invention patent。

2. In international or national disciplines、In the science and technology competition, the national first prize and above or above or the results are particularly excellent,Get major breakthrough。

3. Internationally official journal、Published a high -level paper on domestic core journals or magazines,by SCI、CSSCI search or perform outstanding performance in large -scale academic blackjack casino exchanges at home and abroad,Win a good reputation for the school。

4. The results of academic research have high theoretical value and promotion value,Application in the field of practice generates certain socio -economic benefits。

5. Successful founding company enterprise,Company corporate corporate legal person operating status in a good or operating team with a certain scale,Products or services with broad market prospects。

6. There are other special contributors.

The results or honors listed in the above conditions,All must rely on student innovation and entrepreneurship activities、Get,If it has nothing to do with students' innovation and entrepreneurship activities, it will not be determined。Where,Graduate students only have the results blackjack casino thesis,Not supporting declaration。

3, the application process

The school is planned to organize experts to blackjack online conduct on -site defense reviews on January 5, 2024, Select the best to determine the list of students to be recommended, Putting publicity。Specific time、Location will be notified separately。

4. Submit the material

(1) Applicants must follow the "Notice on the Selection blackjack casino" Principles blackjack casino Ninth Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship "of Northeast University" (notice blackjack casino "Principles blackjack casino Principles blackjack casino Principal" (East University Chuangzi [2023] No. 8) materials requirements,Submit application materials。

(2) School -level review and answer PPT,The defense time per person does not exceed 5 minutes。(3) The applicant must send the electronic version blackjack casino recommender material to the mailbox before 20:00, January 3, 2024,Paper Edition Submit to Chuangxiao (Comprehensive Building 1123)。

Contact person: Wu Yuhua QQ number: 3124152489

blackjack onlineNotice on the selection and recommendation of the 9th Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship "blackjack casino Principles of Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship" of Northeast University .zip

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