11Since the month,Gradually blackjack online game turn cold with the weather,Recently inspected the feedback of the dormitory for many logistics inspections,It is found that there are obvious up trends in the number of students who use high -power and electric heating appliances in violation of regulations,Combined with the dormitory and laboratory safety events caused by the recent illegal power consumption of universities in various parts of the country,The School of Planning Institute quickly established Wang Xuejia, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the Academy、Teachers related to student work are the core to strengthen school rules education work group,Focus on standardized power consumption and in -school behavior specifications,Through the theme class meeting、Online promotion、Typical event education and other forms,Organize undergraduates to carry out school discipline learning series activities。

1. Do you need to be hard on the iron

11Mid -month,Student work office of blackjack online Computer and Communication Engineering uses the time of the weekly example,Under the leadership of Wang Xuejia, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee,Careful reading 2021 version of Northeast University Qinhuangdao Branch Student how to play blackjack Manual,Focus on learning "Education Management" and "Safety Prevention" part。"Do you need to be hard to hit the iron",Teacher Wang emphasized: "I want to convey the rules and system confidence in front of the students,Do it with a good job of explanation; at the same time, the student manual is also an indispensable principle document magic weapon in student work "。For a period of time,Campus fire、Laboratory explosion、Internet fraud frequency,It must be continuously emphasized in the daily management process,Still safety risk events in the bud state。

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11In late month,blackjack online Computer and Communication Engineering organize class committees to carry out special meetings of school discipline learning,The tutors of the counselors and teachers of all grades preached the preaching of the "Code of Conduct of Student Student Students"、"Regulations on Student Management of General College of Higher College";、"Measures for the Corporation of the Student Complaints of Qinhuangdao Branch of Northeast University"、"Discipline of Student Examination of Qinhuangdao Branch of Northeast University、Measures for Cheating "、The key content of the blackjack casino "Regulations on the Management of Campus Order of the Qinhuangdao Branch of Northeast University"。Combined with different characteristics of each grade,For example, the freshman students are not familiar with the school rules,A detailed explanation of all contents; sophomore students gradually become familiar with the campus environment,Gradually stress in academic,Therefore, the focus is on the content of academic violations and academic warnings; junior students are already the "old students" of the school,I am eager to try on all kinds of techniques for evading supervision,Therefore, the focus is on the specifications of daily behavior and the safety of dormitories; senior students are about to enter the society,I'm looking for a job、It is easy to go astray in the spare hobby,Or a telecommunications fraud and other situations,Therefore, focus on emphasizing preventing fraud skills。

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To guide students to develop good learning habits,Understand and abide by the discipline of school rules、Class Rules Class。This training meeting was held at the Basic Building 203 at 5 pm on December 5th,Counselor Li Xueyao and the class leaders of each class participated。It aims to blackjack online game make students accurately positioning themselves,Establish target,Become an ideal,Ethics,New era youth in the pursuit,Get the ideal sail,Realize life value。

No rules,No square。The purpose of the formulation of school rules and regulations is not to restrict students' freedom、Equivalence,but to better maintain normal education and teaching order,Rights to maintaining students' lives and learning,and provide a good guarantee for students' safety,Improve the consciousness of students' abide by the law,This is the practical significance and purpose of the school's formulation of school discipline。Dested,No place without discipline and rules,No one can blindly serve as,Otherwise,It will pay for this price。In normal learning and life,Students should always take blackjack online as their own behavior guidelines。and stricter to self -discipline,Compare your words and deeds with blackjack online and regulations,Timely correction and improve your own shortcomings and deficiencies,Let your image move closer to the standards of outstanding students。Only this,can continuously improve your ideological and moral literacy。Even under the blackjack casino pressure of learning, it can still maintain a positive and optimistic mentality,Our school can become better with our joint efforts。

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4、During the daily dormitory visit,Strengthen the inspection of illegal electrical appliances

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Through a series of training and explanations,Everyone is more aware that blackjack online and school discipline should be used as their own codes of behavior,and strict with self -discipline,Compare your words and deeds with blackjack online and regulations,Timely correction deficiencies,Build a harmonious green campus。

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