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The School of Computer and Communication Engineering has a teacher team full of vitality and innovative spirit。Existing faculty83People, of which the Ministry of Education across (new) century outstanding talents2People, Hebei Province "Three blackjack casino -Three Three Talent Projects" candidates12People, associate professors and above titles to occupy the teacher team50%Around, doctoral students and master's tutors are common45People。The college has computer science and technology、Internet of Things Engineering、Four undergraduate majors in communication engineering and electronic information engineering,College full -time undergraduate students2230Others, doctoral and master's degree300Others。College and Northeast University School of Computer Science and Engineering Sharing,own computer science and technology、Information and communication engineering two first -level discipline doctoral degree authorization points,There is computer science and technology、Information and communication engineering two post -doctoral work flow stations。Academy's scientific research atmosphere is becoming stronger、Scientific research scale is increasingly expanded、Scientific research level is increasing,Multiple items for completing scientific and technological achievements,Some are international advanced or domestic leading levels。College existing2A "985Engineering "laboratory-Direction positioning laboratory, next -generation network technology laboratory;1An Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center in Hebei Province;2Pilot project of comprehensive reform of the provincial blackjack casino -level professional level;1Provincial undergraduate education innovation high ground-Education Education Innovation Highlands;1Pilot Universities of the Ministry of Education —— 'Computer Professional Teaching Guidance Committee "Computer Professional System Professional Cultivation Pilot Universities"。College won the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Affairs、The Ministry of Education jointly commended2014The title of "Advanced Collective of the National Education System" in the Year。Future for the future,The college will firmly seize the development opportunities,Concrete and broaden the subject direction、Enhance the cross -fusion of disciplines、Enhance the international impact of the discipline、Deepen the combination of industry, research, research,Actively explore "high quality、There are special features、Internationalization of Internationalization ",Further promote first -class disciplines、Construction of first -class colleges and first -class universities,Work hard to cultivate the socialist builders and successors who have developed comprehensive development。

2, Recruitment majors

Professional for computer science and technology、Communication engineering、Internet of Things Engineering,Electronic information engineering and related majors。

3, Recruitment conditions

(1)  Basic conditions

Thoughts and virtues how to play blackjack are good,High professional quality,Follow the rules and regulations of national laws and regulations and schools; with a strong team consciousness、Collective concept and dedication spirit,Can consciously abide by academic morals,Observe academic norms; physical and mental health,Mandarin fluent,The job that can be competent for the hired position。

(2)  Age Requirements

Doctoral graduates do not exceed35years old; associate professors generally do not exceed40years old; professors generally do not exceed50year old.

(3)  Scientific Research/Teaching level requirements

1. Associate Professor and above personnel require a higher academic level, influence or high teaching level and influence。

2. Excellent talents need to publish high -level papers and preside over national vertical projects。

3. Fresh graduate of a PhD、Post -doctoral requirements have good academic innovation ability,Principles innovative potential and development potential。The research direction is in line with the disciplinary construction development plan,Get important research results。

Four, Salary

For high -level talents introduced、Excellent professor、Excellent Associate Professor、Excellent overseas talents,It will give corresponding policy support in terms of treatment and work in the way of "one person, one discussion",If the spouse meets the conditions of our school,can solve the work of the spouse。

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An Home Fee

Scientific Research

Starting fee

Annual salary

Other instructions

National high -level talents




School supports the introduction of academic teams and flexible introduction of high -level talents,and will increase corresponding funds and other support for other aspects。

Professor, researcher, and doctoral supervisor with doctoral degrees




Special Outstanding Those who can refer to the "Interim Measures for Introduction of High -level Talents (Revision) of the Qinhuangdao Branch of Northeast University"。

Associate professor with a doctorate degree、Associate Researcher and Overseas Excellent Doctor、Post -doctoral




特别优秀者可参照Professor, researcher, and doctoral supervisor with doctoral degrees相关待遇及考核办法执行。

Doctoral exit staff and doctoral graduates



Enjoy the job allowance of the second -level lecturer in the school

Professional for computer science and technology、Communication engineering and obtain a doctorate degree from well -known overseas universities or work in well -known overseas universities or scientific research institutions2years or above; or outstanding domestic talents,With the ability to teach in English,You can provide settlement fees20-4010,000 yuan; scientific research launch fee20-4010,000 yuan.

5. Application materials

(1) High -level talent filling in the "Application Form for the introduction of Talent Talent of the Qinhuangdao Branch of Northeast University"; 

(2)Dedicated teachers fill in the "Declaration Form for full -time teachers in the Qinhuangdao Branch of Northeast University";

(3) Resume and other support materials.

6. Contact information

(1) Contact information of the School of Computer and Communication Engineering

Candidates, please send your resume and related evidence materials to the following mailbox,Through the preliminary candidate will notify the interview by email and telephone。

Contact: Dean Song

Contact number:0335-8056052

Postal code:066004

Address: Taishan Road, Economic and Technological Development Zone, Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province143No. Northeast University Qinhuangdao Branch Basic Building313Room.

(2) contact information of the personnel department

Contact: Teacher Chen

Contact number:0335-8051790

Postal code:066004

Address: Taishan Road, Economic and Technological Development Zone, Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province143No. Personnel Office of Qinhuangdao Branch of Northeast University, Administrative Building205Room.

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