2023September 16th,Northeast University has ushered in a century -old celebration,General Secretary Xi Jinping blackjack casino replied to all teachers and students of Northeast University,Expressed warm congratulations and sincere greetings to all teachers and students,At the same time, I put forward earnest expectations for the future development how to play blackjack school。

Back letter,General Secretary Xi Jinping affirmed the characteristics how to play blackjack school's schooling characteristics and the cultivation of outstanding talents,It emphasizes that the school has always taken the country with educating people as a mission,Make positive contributions to the development how to play blackjack country and the nation。He pointed out,On the 100th anniversary how to play blackjack establishment how to play blackjack school in Northeast University,I hope the blackjack live school will fully implement the party's education policy,Continue to promote the glorious tradition of patriotism,Persist in Lide Tree,Continuous reform and innovation,Follow the national strategic needs,Cultivate high -quality talents,strong discipline,Launch high -level scientific research results,Make new and greater contributions to the comprehensive revitalization how to play blackjack Northeast and the modernization of Chinese -style modernization。

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2023On the morning of September 19th,In the Basic Building 120,Comrade Fan Lingwei, Secretary how to play blackjack Party Branch how to play blackjack Fifth Party Branch how to play blackjack Student School of Planning College, led the party members to read blackjack live the letter,Deep encouragement。Comrade Fan Lingwei emphasized the school's century journey,Especially highlighting the school's patriotic feelings。He reviewed the development process how to play blackjack school,It emphasizes the important role how to play blackjack century -old Dongda University in the country's construction and revitalization,At the same time, encourage party members and comrades to inherit tradition,Delivery Time Mission,Actively pursue excellence。

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During the sharing process,The party members how to play blackjack branch have said,In the future, it will actively respond to the call how to play blackjack General Secretary,Contribute your own strength to the development how to play blackjack country and schools,blackjack online game Inherited the fine tradition of Centennial Northeast University,Delivery Time Mission,Pursue innovation,Practical and willing。

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