해외 재배치 무료 슬롯 대한 자주 묻는 질문
무료 슬롯 묻는 질문
Q무료 슬롯로 이사해야합니다.
The cost differs depending on the services 무료 슬롯 choose to use. Browse 무료 슬롯r preferred services, and look at the information page for each one.
해외 재배치 무료 슬롯
Q나는 재배치하지 않겠지 만 무료 슬롯에서 소포를 보내고 싶습니다.
Customs clearance for export as unaccompanied goods from Japan is possible only within six months before or after the shipper's departure.(*It is also necessary to clear the import customs clearance conditions at the destination side.) If the above conditions are not met, the customs process 무료 슬롯 be different, which prevents us from servicing the request as an overseas relocation service.
국제 교통
If 무료 슬롯 would like to send a few boxes (gifts, etc.), we will check whether we can handle it individually, so please use the following inquiry form.
무료 슬롯 재배치에 대한 문의
Q무료 슬롯 재배치의 일반적인 문제는 무엇입니까?
They are listed on this page. Click on the link below.
일본에서 무료 슬롯 국가로 이전하는 일반적인 문제
풀 팩 무료 슬롯
Q이전 회의의 흐름은 무엇입니까?
Register at our dedicated overseas relocation My Page, and then have a meeting via chat covering things like schedule plan and document submission.
Q필요한 서류를 어떻게 제출합니까?
If an original copy is required, 무료 슬롯 must send them by postal mail, but items which can be submitted as a PDF can be submitted on 무료 슬롯r My Page or sent to us by e-mail. We cannot accept submission on the day of moving due to the laws.
Q골판지 상자가 미리 도착합니까?
풀 팩 무료 슬롯
Q아이템을 직접 포장 할 수 무료 슬롯?
무료 슬롯 can pack items 무료 슬롯rself in advance, but documents recording the content of parcels must be drafted for exporting and importing customs clearance. We ask that 무료 슬롯 make memos listing the type and quantity of items in the parcels, do not seal the cardboard boxes, and leave them open.
Q가구 이외의 무료 슬롯 품목을 포장 하시겠습니까?
We 무료 슬롯 also pack the items other than furniture, such as tableware and books, on the moving day.
Q무료 슬롯 회사의 골판지 상자 나 별도로 구입 한 상자를 사용할 수 있습니까?
무료 슬롯 can use other cardboard boxes, but we recommend using ours because they are strong enough to be used for overseas shipments.
Q(사전 새) 설문 조사는 얼마나 걸립니까?
We can do the survey remotely or on s무료 슬롯e depending on the family s무료 슬롯uation and number of parcels. 무료 슬롯 takes 1.5 to 2 hours.
Q언제 가격 추정을받을 수 무료 슬롯?
We 무료 슬롯 send an estimate generally about two to three business days after the survey.
Q이동 작업 중에 가족이 참석할 수 무료 슬롯?
Yes. Especially during the busy season of moving, we may collect 무료 슬롯r baggage with 무료 슬롯r family after 무료 슬롯 leave Japan.
Q외국 거주지 주소가 아직 결정되지 않더라도 소포를 보낼 수 무료 슬롯?
Q목적지에서 배달 일을 설정하고 싶습니다.
Q국내 배달 날짜는 언제입니까?
For domestic delivery, we 무료 슬롯 decide the delivery date after calling the recipient after moving. It may take more than 2 weeks.
Q가구와 자전거를 조립합니까?
For furn무료 슬롯ure, our service extends to assembly and installation.
However, our staff cannot disassemble bicycles and furniture that is not intended to be disassembled or reassembled, so we ask 무료 슬롯 to disassemble and assemble those items 무료 슬롯rself if necessary.
Q손상, 손실 등의 경우 어떻게 되는가?
Depending on the nature of the damage, we 무료 슬롯 handle it through insurance. For details, check the insurance policy at the time of contract.
풀 팩 무료 슬롯 (일반적인 문제)
필요한 문서는 이사일 전에 제 시간에 제출되지 않았습니다.
Aim for submitting documents no later than one week prior to the moving day. Depending on the status of 무료 슬롯r document acquisition process, some submissions may be fine after relocation has already begun, but please understand that we cannot ship out 무료 슬롯r baggages until the required documents have all been received.
위험하거나 금지 된 품목은 배송에 포함되었습니다.
If prohibited items or hazardous items are included, we cannot dispatch them. To avoid dangerous or prohibited items, please check the overseas moving guide and customs clearance information first. If there are prohibited items in the package, it will be returned and 무료 슬롯 will be charged for return shipping.
세관 클리어런스에 필요한 일의 수는 세관 클리어런스 정보와 다르기 때문에 필요한 항목이 제 시간에 도착하지 않았습니다.
The number of required days listed in customs clearance information are rough estimates. Please be aware in advance that there may be delays when shipping overseas.
Also, if 무료 슬롯 have urgent items, please bring them in as carry-on baggage.
나는 무료 슬롯 들어갔지 만 소포가 아직 도착하지 않았습니다.
For some shipping destinations, shipping does not start from Japan until the individual who is relocating has entered the destination and certain documents have been acquired. (Example) China: labor permit, Vietnam: work permit, etc. The number days required from pick up to delivery can differ depending on the timing at which the documents are acquired. A representative will give 무료 슬롯 more detailed information, so make sure to check thoroughly first.
나는 공기 배달을 지정했지만 선적은 창고 저장에 상처를 입었습니다.
On the day of moving, we ask 무료 슬롯 to check the packing list at the end of the work. After the final check, the parcel destination cannot be changed, so please make sure to check carefully.
바쁜 움직이는 시즌에는 예약 일을 얻기가 어렵습니다.
March to April is a very busy season. Please make reservations early, such as two months in advance if possible.
손상, 손실 등을 발견했습니다.
Depending on the nature of the damage, we 무료 슬롯 handle it through insurance. For details, check the insurance policy at the time of contract.
성형 무료 슬롯 녹음이 발생했습니다.
Molding and rusting are not covered for compensation. Before moving, please dry and wipe 무료 슬롯ems well before entrusting them w무료 슬롯h us.
셀프 팩 무료 슬롯
Q골판지 상자의 수를 5 개의 상자 단위로 측정해야합니까?
We can handle shipments in un무료 슬롯s of a single box, but the fee calculation is in single pack un무료 슬롯s (5 boxes, 10 boxes, 15 boxes, etc.).
Q배송 할 수있는 최대 골판지 상자 수는 얼마입니까?
We can ship up to 15 boxes (3 packs). If 무료 슬롯 may possibly need more than 15 boxes, please use the Full Pack service.
풀 팩 무료 슬롯
Q응용 프로그램 단계에서 골판지 상자 수 (팩 수)를 결정해야합니까?
We will bill 무료 슬롯 for the number of parcels we pick up on the moving day. It is not necessary to decide at the outset.
Q골판지 상자에 맞지 않는 소포에 대해 어떻게해야합니까?
If 무료 슬롯 prep the item and package it, and if the sum of its three dimensions is within 170cm and the weight is 25 kg or lower, we can take the item.
Q여행 가방을 as-is- is- 보내 드릴까요?
Yes, but we 무료 슬롯 pack it as an additional item, so a packing processing fee 무료 슬롯 be incurred. Also, to allow customs inspection, we require the lock to be unlocked.
다른 나라에서 일본으로 또는 다른 국가로의 무료 슬롯
Q배송이 도착했을 때 무료 슬롯 대해 알려주세요.
Our carrying-in services consist of unpacking, assembling, and installing large furn무료 슬롯ure* and carrying other cardboard boxes to their designated rooms. (*This does not include furn무료 슬롯ure that is not designed to be reassembled)
Q선적이 무료 슬롯에 도착한 후 배송이 도착하는 데 얼마나 걸립니까?
배송은 1-2 주, 해상 선적의 경우 2 주에서 1 개월이 소요됩니다.
Q더 이상 필요하지 않은 가구 품목을 가져갈 수 무료 슬롯?
우리는 처분 지원을 제공 할 수 없으며, 우리는 네트워크에 전문가 회사를 소개하거나 지역의 대형 쓰레기 무료 슬롯 항목을 처리 할 수 있습니다..
Q두 개의 무료 슬롯 장소에 항목을 전달할 수 있습니까?
We can arrange this. However, some company rules state that, when returning to posts in Japan, the fees for the second location are borne by the employee. So, make sure to check with 무료 슬롯r place of employment.
Q국내 배달 날짜는 언제입니까?
For domestic delivery, we 무료 슬롯 decide the delivery date after calling the recipient after moving. It may take more than 2 weeks.
Q가구와 자전거를 조립합니까?
For furniture, our service extends to assembly and installation. However, our staff cannot disassemble bicycles and furniture that is not intended to be disassembled or reassembled, so we ask 무료 슬롯 to disassemble and assemble those items 무료 슬롯rself if necessary.
Q손상, 손실 등의 경우 어떻게 되는가?
Depending on the nature of the damage, we 무료 슬롯 handle it through insurance. For details, check the insurance policy at the time of contract.