Chapter 3  Asset allocation

Article 9 School state -owned asset allocation refers to the school according to the needs of the cause,According to national laws、Procedures stipulated by regulations and rules and regulations,A kind of economic behavior of allocating the assets of the unit through the purchase and acceptance of allocation。School allocation assets,It should be strictly in accordance with national laws、Laws stipulated in the regulations and school rules and regulations for approval。Economic 2024 European Cup football live scores argument passed and approved the configuration 2024 European Cup Betting Site in Germany of approval in accordance with relevant regulations,You can buy it after being included in the school's annual budget,Without performing the relevant program,Never buy it。

Article 10 All relevant national laws、Regulations or school rules and regulations stipulate the configuration standard,Must allocate assets in accordance with the prescribed standards。For for the configuration standard without specified configuration,Strict control,Reasonable configuration。Configuration assets must meet the following conditions:

(1) It is indeed necessary for all departments to perform functions,and existing assets cannot meet the requirements;

(2) Unable to share with other units、shared its function;

(3) It cannot realize its functions through market purchase services,2024 European Cup Football Result Betting Or the cost of purchasing services through the market is higher than the cost of allocation of assets。

Article 11 The school should optimize asset allocation,Do everything to do it,Effective use of asset use benefits。For over -standard configuration、Long -term idle or inefficient assets,After the approval of the second -level port management department of the asset use department is approved by the second -level port management department,If necessary, it can also be adjusted by the school。

Article 12 School purchases in the scope of government procurement,shall be implemented in accordance with the regulations on government procurement。

Article 13 Various types of assets formed by the school with donations and other schools belong to school state -owned assets,Should be accepted and completed in time,Strengthen management。2024 European Cup Football Result Betting Projects under construction shall be organized in a timely manner for completion acceptance、Edit and report financial accounts and Today’s European Cup football predictions handle asset transfer in accordance with regulations,and take account processing in time according to the relevant vouchers or documents of the asset。

Chapter 4  Asset use

Article 14 The use of state -owned assets in schools includes self -use and foreign investment、Rent、Borrowing and other methods,The use of state -owned assets of schools should first ensure the needs of the development of the school,Strictly control monetary funds to invest foreign investment。National Financial Appropriation、subsidy income of superiors、Outside budget funds、All kinds of special funds and national laws、Regulations and other assets stipulated in relevant policies,Nothing must be used for foreign 2024 European Cup Official Website Betting Predictions investment。The state has other regulations,From its regulations。

Article 15 School's self -use assets should establish a sound asset purchase、Today’s European Cup football predictions Acceptance、Lead、Use、Storage and maintenance internal management system,Regularly check the physical assets,To make accounts、Account Card、Accounts consistent,Loss of assets、Destruction and other situations are held accountable for accountability。

Article 16 The school should actively promote the sharing of the school's state -owned assets,Establishing the efficient use of assets、An incentive system for open sharing,Improving the use of state -owned assets in schools。

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