Article 26 School state -owned asset disposal income,Deducting relevant taxes、Evaluation fee、Auction commission and other related expenses,Payment of the Central State Treasury,Implement "Two Line of Revenue and Expenses" management。

Chapter 6  Property Rights Management

Article 27 School state -owned asset property management content includes the definition of property rights、property right registration and property right dispute adjustment, etc.。

Article 28 Property right is defined refer to the state of the state to divide property ownership in accordance with the law、property rights such as operational rights and use rights,Clarify 2024 European Cup football live scores a legal behavior of the property scope and management authority of various subjects exercising rights。

Fixed assets purchased by the school's vertical scientific research funds belong to state -owned assets,Fixed assets purchased by horizontal scientific research funds,Except for the contract agreed in the contract, it is not outside the school,It should be defined as state -owned assets。Management of intangible assets such as intellectual property formed by special funds,Implement in accordance with relevant national regulations。

Article 29 Property registration refers to the state's possession of schools、State -owned assets used for registration,Confirm the ownership of the state's state -owned assets and the school's possession of the school's state -owned assets in accordance with the law、Behavior of the right to use。

Article 30 School according to the Ministry of Education、The relevant regulations 2024 European Cup football live scores of the Ministry of Finance,Organize the registration of state -owned asset property rights。School state -owned asset property registration includes the registration of possessive property rights、Registration of property rights registration and cancellation of property rights registration。Schools according to the relevant provisions of the "Administrative Measures for the Registration of State -owned Assets Property Rights of Enterprises in Public Institutions and Institutions" (Caijiao [2012] No. 242),When the property rights registration and annual inspection matters,Provide the corresponding materials from the asset usage department and the port management department,Apply for the Ministry of Education to apply for it with the State -owned Assets Office。

Article 31 Property dispute refers to the ownership of the school's state -owned assets、Management rights、Disputes that occur in property rights such as use rights。

Article 32 State -owned asset property rights disputes between the school and other state -owned units and state -owned enterprises,After approval by the school,The authorized asset use department and the habitation management department commissioned by the State -owned Assets Office to negotiate with the other party on behalf of the school;,After approval by the school,Apply to the Ministry of Education for mediation from the State -owned Assets Office,or mediation by the Ministry of Education for the Ministry of Education,The mediation is not possible,Litigation can be filed in accordance with the law。

The property rights dispute between the school and the non -state -owned unit or individual,After approval by the school,Entrusted by the State -owned Assets Office, the authorized asset usage department and the export management department on behalf of the school and the other party will 2024 European Cup Football Result Betting negotiate to propose the proposition of handling,After the State -owned Assets Office will be reviewed by the school after the school, it is reported to the Ministry of Education for review and submitted to the Ministry of Finance.,Consultation with the other party;,Processing according to judicial procedures。

Chapter 7  Asset evaluation and asset inspection

Article 33 The school has one of the following situations,State -owned assets of related schools should be evaluated:

(1) Overall or partial reorganization into an enterprise;

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