Chapter 1  General Principles

2024 European Cup football live scores   To improve the scientific and humanistic quality of college students,Cultivate the innovative spirit and practical ability of college students,Encourage and support college students to participate in scientific and technological innovation and academic practice activities,Establishing the University of Qinhuangdao Branch University Student Technology Innovation Fund。

Article 2  Northeast University Qinhuangdao Branch University Student Science and Technology Innovation Fund is implemented by the school unified organization,To solve the problem and complete the topic as the core mode,Taking the project as the research carrier,Pay attention to process training,Pay attention to the design of the plan,Pay attention to stimulating students' scientific research interests,Pay attention to cultivating independent learning、Team collaboration and ask questions、Analysis Question、Ability to solve problems。

Article 3  The principles that college student technology innovation funds follow are: "Judge combination、Focus on effectiveness、Highlights、Focus on effectiveness。"The principle of selecting the funding project is:" Free Application、Fair Teritors、Choose the best fund、Specification Management "。

Article 4  In order to regulate the use of the use of college student science and technology innovation funds。


Chapter 2  Institutional settings

Article 5  Established by the principal as the leader,Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the School、Vice President as Deputy Leader,Academic Affairs Office、Student Office、Finance Department、Asset Office、Technology Office、Audit Office、University Student Technology Innovation Center、Leading Leading Group for Science and Technology Innovation Work of Qinhuangdao Branch of the Northeast University with the heads and departments of the Youth League Committee and other departments,Responsible for formulating practical management methods and supporting policies,Master Plan、Unified deployment、Coordination Supervision。There is a office under the leadership group of college student science and technology innovation,Office is located at the University of Science and Technology Innovation Center,Responsible for coordinating work,Post information,Organization project declaration、review and management。

Article 6  Establishing college student science and technology innovation working group,The leader of the team is the director of the department,Employment has a relationship with deputy directors and teachers to participate。Specific responsibilities are: cooperate with the work of college student science and technology innovation centers,Organize the implementation of this department of this department,and make the talent training work and scientific research work well combined with this department; strictly review the student application project of this department,In the project content、Complete quality、Strictly check the number of students participating; coordinate the laboratory to provide the experimental venue and experimental instrument equipment for free participating projects。

Article 7  Expert Committee of University Student Science and Technology Innovation Work,Composed of related discipline teachers,Formulate project review standards、Organization specific review、mid -term inspection、Concluding questions,Evaluation project implementation effect,Selected excellent results,Put forward project implementation suggestions。 


Chapter 3  Selection and management of instructor teachers

Article 8  Each application project must invite our school teachers as the instructor,Each department can help coordinate and contact the instructor in accordance with the needs of the project。

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