1. General Principles


2024 European Cup Official Website Betting Predictions  In order to further regulate and strengthen the safety management of chemical dangerous goods in our school,Strictly prevent accidents,Guarantee school teachers, students, employees, life and property safety,Guarantee the normal teaching of the school、Scientific research and other work order,Protecting the environment,According to relevant national regulations,Combined with the actual situation of our school,Formulate this method。

Article 2 Chemical dangerous goods referred to in this method,refers to the explosive product specified in the national standard "Dangerous Style Classification and Product Name Number"、Compressed gas、Flammable liquid、Flammable Solid、Spontaneous combustion items and wet flammable items、Oxidant and organic peroxide、Seven major categories such as poison and corrosion products。

Article 3 Every buy、Storage、Production、Use、Department and individuals that transport and destroy chemical dangerous goods must strictly abide by these Measures。

Article 4 For relevant personnel who violate the requirements of these Measures,Given administrative sanctions on the school's depending on the plot,Criminal liability for the judicial organs to constitute a crime。


Chapter 2 Management Responsibility


Article 5 The safety management of school chemical dangerous goods is implemented、Department、Center responsibility system,Each department、Department、Director of the Center as the first responsible person,Responsible for all aspects of the safety management of chemical dangerous goods in the affiliated department。

Article 6 All departments involved in chemical dangerous goods、Department、Center,Is the responsible management department of school chemical dangerous goods,Must formulate a detailed chemical dangerous product purchase、Storage、Use、Treatment system,and specify the specific person to be responsible for。Details formulated in the formulation of the management system and clear responsible responsible for each link shall be reported to the school's supervision and management department for filing。

Article 7 School Defense Office、Academic Affairs Office、Assets Office is the supervision and management department of school chemical dangerous goods。Among them, the Academic Affairs Office is responsible for the purchase and approval of the school's chemical dangerous goods; the asset department is responsible for the supervision and coordination of the procurement process of chemical dangerous goods in the school;。


Chapter 3 Purchase and Transport


Article 8 Chemical dangerous goods use departments shall be dependent on each department、Department、The center proposes the purchase plan,Fill in "Northeast University Qinhuangdao Branch Chemical Dangerous Products Subscribe"。After approval by the Academic Affairs Office,The designated manager implemented by the asset office and the implementation of the designated manager implemented by various departments,Purchase plan in accordance with national regulations。

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