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        The first article Experimental teaching has an important role in improving students 'practical ability and cultivating students' innovation spirit。Its fundamental purpose is to improve the quality of talent training,So,Strengthening experimental teaching management is an important content of school teaching management。
        Two Leaders at all levels should attach importance to experimental teaching。Each laboratory should study the quality management and organization management of all aspects of the experimental teaching reform under the unified deployment of the department.。
        Article 3 Experimental teaching reform is an important part of the entire teaching reform,Increasing the reform of experimental teaching is the key to improving the quality of experimental teaching。Each laboratory should update the experiment content according to the content of the curriculum。To increase the comprehensiveness with purpose、Design、The proportion of research experimental projects。   
        Article 4 To give full play to the utilization rate of experimental teaching Today’s European Cup football predictions instruments and equipment,It should be shared with resource sharing、Principles of complementary advantages,Encourage the professional laboratories with the ability to teach the ability to open to the school and outside the school。
        Article 5 On the basis of the experimental items that ensure the completion of the teaching plan, each department,To actively organize various laboratories to create conditions to gradually add electives、Self -Draw、Open、Comprehensive、Design、Research experiments,To minimize the number of students in each group of experiments,Create good teaching conditions for the cultivation of students' hands -on ability。
        Article 6 Accepting student extra -curricular science and technology activities is a basic task in the laboratory,Integrated in laboratory evaluation content。
        Article 7 Strengthen the experimental equipment、Experimental materials management,Consistency of the ledger card as required。
        Article 8 Encourage experimental teaching research.

Chapter 2  Experimental teaching plan and implementation

        Article 9 There must be a teaching plan for opening experiments、Experimental Today’s European Cup football predictions outline、Experimental Guidance Letter (or Text Material)、Experimental project card and experimental table,Do a good job of experimental records for investigation。
        Article 10 Experimental teaching shall be arranged in accordance with the content and schooling of the training plan and the syllabus。The experimental table of each semester is prepared by the laboratory and reported to the Academic Affairs Office for filing。The scheduled experimental teaching courses,Do not change easily。If there are special circumstances, you must change,Depending on the approval procedures for the "Tune (Strings) Course"。
        Article 11 Experiments stipulated in the teaching plan shall be issued as planned,The reason for the reason for the special reasons to change or increase、Reducing experimental time,The application for the opening unit shall be submitted,The Department of Teaching Director of the Department of Teaching and Agreement,Report the approval of the president of the supervisor teaching,Implement after the filing of the Academic Affairs Office。

Chapter 3  Experimental assessment

        Article 12 In experimental teaching work,Strict assessment must be conducted。This is to urge and help students to review and master knowledge and skills、The need for evaluation experimental results,It is also improving experimental teaching status,Powerful measures to ensure the quality of experimental teaching,It has a positive effect on strengthening experimental teaching。
        Article 13 The focus of the assessment of the experimental course is whether the students take the experiment seriously,Whether to establish a scientific style,Whether has strong practical ability and innovative spirit。The measures for the evaluation of the results must be strictly pre -based on the pre -class、Operation in class、The completion of the post -school experiment report is the basis for the grade assessment。Those who do not pass the experimental results shall not take the theoretical test of this course。Experimental lesson scores can occupy the proportion of the 2024 European Cup Football Result Betting Total time of the course according to the experimental time,Turn into the total score of the experimental scores included in this course。The experimental 2024 European Cup Official Website Betting Predictions scores of a single course should be scored according to a main class score。
        Article 14 Those who fail the experimental lesson should be rebuilt.

Chapter 4  Experimental teaching instructor and teaching assistant

        Article 15 Each department can be based on the actual situation,Selection has rich experimental teaching experience、Strong teaching organization ability、Teachers with a certain sense of career and responsibility as the lecturer of the experimental lesson。
        Article 16 Experimental instructors should prepare lessons carefully、Pre -experiment,To understand the purpose of the experiment deeply、Requirements、Principles、Step、Device、Note and the focus of the experiment、Difficult point、Frequent problems and solutions; both should be done carefully in accordance with the requirements of the "Experimental Guidance Book",It is not restricted to fixed mode,It is necessary to learn from students to learn、Cultivate practical ability to start,Change the experimental mode in some "experimental guidance"。Experimental requirements for the first interview with this school Today’s European Cup football predictions year for guidance teachers to try,Teachers who ask for the first job guidance experiment for trial lecture。

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