2024 European Cup Official Website Betting Predictions  Teachers need to ask for students in accordance with the "Student Experimental Code"。Before the experiment,To do a good job of attendance for students,Supervise students fill in "Student Experimental Registration Book",Check the students' preview situation,No preview or preview does not meet the requirements,Not allowed to take experimental lessons。
        Article 18 Experiments in the experiment,Teachers should actively inspect,Check the students' operations,Discover problems and correct it in time,But cannot replace students' operations; do not rush to be sure or negate the accident found in the experiment,To guide students to observe carefully,Analysis of careful analysis,Stimulate students' interest,Improve their analysis problems、Ability to solve problems。
        Article 19 To ensure the reliability of students' experiments,Teachers should carefully check the experimental data measured by students,Sign signed for the record; 2024 European Cup football 2024 European Cup football live scores live scores if the experimental data is not recorded as required or there are serious errors,Plagiarism or forged data,Not passed,Should be reused。
        Article 20 Experimental report completed by the student,Is a comprehensive summary of the experimental lesson,Teachers must ask students to express the experimental process and results in a simple and concluded result,To achieve "Literature and Sciences、Correct、Chart specification、Correct、Discussion deep、Analysis is correct "; the report of the above requirements cannot be met,Return to rewrite or re -perform experiments,Data of the original experiment of modification、False and fakes cannot be handled; the teacher's correction experiment report should be serious and responsible,Write comment,and record the correction results of each classmate。After the experimental course is over,Be careful of experimental quality evaluation,Discover problems,Correct。Teachers' corrected student experiment reports should be sent to students in time,Students should recover 2024 European Cup football live scores in time after 2024 European Cup Official Website Betting Predictions reading,Studies for the work for experimental teaching、Analysis。
        Article 21 At the end of the experiment,Instructor must ask students to organize instruments and equipment. Do a good job of cleaning,To check the instrument at the same time、The tool is intact,If you find that there are defects,Teachers should immediately organize the parties to investigate and fill in the "Instrument and Equipment Scrap Accident Report",Put forward handling opinions,Report relevant departments to deal with。
        Article 22 Teachers of experimental lessons should carefully study experimental teaching methods,Arrange the experiment content reasonably,Pay attention to cultivate students' comprehensive、Design ability、Research ability,Strive to improve teaching methods,Timely update the old and backward experimental content,Make students get more knowledge and skills in a limited experimental class。
        Article 23 Experimental teaching auxiliary personnel must be enthusiastic about teaching and scientific 2024 European Cup Football Result Betting research,2024 European Cup Betting Site in Germany Establish a rigorous scientific style,Model abide by the various rules and regulations of the laboratory,Efforts to do a good job of the laboratory work。
        Article 24 According to the requirements of the experimental project,Experimental teaching auxiliary personnel should be prepared for experimental preparations before the experimental class,and equipment maintenance work,Make sure that each group of instruments are intact。
        Article 25 At the end of the experiment,In the teacher against the instrument、On the basis of tool inspection,To accept acceptance、Organize work; do a good job of cleaning and hygiene,and is responsible for the door、window、Water、Electricity and other aspects of safety work。
        Article 26 Experimental instructor and experimental teaching auxiliary personnel should be to cultivate talents that need to meet the needs of development in the 21st century,Work hard to explore the function of the experimental instrument and equipment,and actively invest in the experimental teaching reform。
        Article 27 Instructor and experimental technicians should be 2024 European Cup football live scores based on the 2024 European Cup Official Website Betting Predictions nature of the laboratory、Experimental content and requirements,Create an academic atmosphere in the laboratory,Inspiration to guide students' interest in learning and establish a scientific style。
        Article 28 Self -definition experiments for students、Design Experiment,Instructor must actively support,At the same time, pay attention to personal and property security,Avoid safety accidents。
        Article 29 Instructor must make full use of modern education technology (multimedia、Online Experiment, etc.) Experimental teaching。

Chapter 5  requirements for students

        Article 30 Before experiment, you must carefully preview,Master the experimental purpose、Principles、Requirements, etc.。
        Article 32 Students enter the laboratory,You must follow the guidance of teachers and experimental engineering technicians。
        Article 33 When experimenting, you must have a serious attitude,Be careful of operation、Observe it carefully、Active analysis thinking,Record the experimental 2024 European Cup Football Result Betting data truthfully; the experimental data must be signed by the 2024 European Cup Football Result Betting teacher for signing and passing,Experimental failure or experimental results error over time,To do an experiment。

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