2024 European Cup Football Result Betting To improve students' innovative and practical ability,Promote the comprehensive improvement of teaching quality,Maximum efficiency to play the role of internship and innovation laboratory,Strengthen the management of laboratories and students,This method is set special。
        1. The nature of the laboratory
        The internship and innovation laboratory is a student -oriented,Implementing a laboratory that is fully open,It is a student participating in various science and technology competitions、An effective experimental platform built by independent innovation。
        2. Management method
        The internship and innovation laboratory is an organic component of the laboratory of the School of Computer and Communication Engineering,Today’s European Cup football predictions Implement under the leadership of the dean,Director of the laboratory director,Internship and Innovation Laboratory teachers are responsible for a laboratory for specific implementation management。The management of the laboratory is based on "Open、Specification、Efficient、Innovation "principle。
        3. Conditions and requirements entering the laboratory
        1. Students entering the experiment must be the school students at the School of Computer and Communication Engineering
        2. Students who intend to enter the laboratory must first fill in the "Application Form for the School of Innovation Practice of the School of Computer and Communication Engineering",After approval by the leaders of the hospital, enter the laboratory。
        4. Laboratory Student Management
        1. Students entering the laboratory must abide by the various rules and 2024 European Cup Football Result Betting Regulations of the Laboratory。A student in charge of a laboratory,Responsible for daily 2024 European Cup Official Website Betting Predictions student management and coordination work。
        2. Establish a safety first thought,Make sure the safety of the laboratory,Can't pull the power at will,Make sure water when leaving the laboratory、Electric、Close doors and windows,To achieve fire prevention、Waterproof、Anti -theft、Preventing personal injury, etc.,Eliminate the occurrence of various accidents; 1 security officer in the laboratory,Specific responsibility for laboratory security。
        3. To maintain laboratory hygiene。Make cleaning every day,Make sure experimental environmental hygiene、Reinforcement。
        4. After the experimental items are over,or approved the time in the laboratory has arrived,Students must leave the laboratory。
        5. The laboratory is a place used by students for innovation and practice,No activity that has nothing to do with innovative practice in the laboratory,Can't treat the laboratory 2024 European Cup Betting Site in Germany as a self -study room,Once it is found that there are people who do not meet the requirements of innovation and practice activities,The qualifications for working and studying in the laboratory will be canceled。
        5. Laboratory project management
        1. There are basically two types of projects in this laboratory,First, the projects participating in various competitions in the college plan,The second is the selected project for students。Any project must be approved before the laboratory。
        2. Planning in -plan project funding is expenditure in the college annual funding budget,Students' self -selected project funds shall be borne by the students; the laboratory provides experimental places for various types of innovative projects、Conditions and Environment。
        3. Project development must be performed as planned,To accept acceptance,To accept acceptance,You need to provide a summary 2024 European Cup Betting Site in Germany report、Photo、Project description、physical,It is necessary to provide video,For archive。
        6. Laboratory equipment management
        The equipment of the laboratory and the purchase of various components、Management meets school requirements,Equipment and device must be managed and established with special persons。All equipment in the laboratory is public resources,can provide students with free use,Equipment use must be registered,Use records。Students using equipment or components must go through the formalities,Rebate on schedule,Equipment damage or loss shall be treated in accordance with the relevant regulations of the school。
        Seven、Innovative practice instructors must take responsibility,Guarantee the normal development of the project。
                                                                                                        School of Computer and Communication Engineering
                                                                                                        April 8, 2012

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