Discussion on the leadership team of the School of Computer and Communication Engineering,Decision to formulate regulations on the use of various funds for students to conduct innovative practice activities。
        1. Source of funds
        1.          Budget for budget budget for providing student innovation practice to school college students' innovation and entrepreneurial 2024 European Cup Football Result Betting center through each year,Provide an annual budget from school college student innovation and entrepreneurial center,The fund provided by the school is only responsible for supporting various costs of participating in various types of scientific and technological innovation and competition projects in the School of Computer and Communication Engineering。
        2.          Funds obtained by applying for Northeast University College Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Fund。
        3.          Gained the sponsorship of the enterprise and relevant units.
        4.          Innovation funds extracted from the bonus obtained from students participating in various competitions。
        5.          Declars to national and provincial college student innovation and entrepreneurship funds.
        6.          Students' internship funds in some annual budget.
        7.          Students' self -funded funds.
        2. Use of funds
        Fundable use cannot violate the relevant regulations of the school's relevant funding use,Except for students' self -funded funds,All the remaining funds must be implemented in accordance with regulations,First of all, you must submit an application,Consumables and other consumables for purchasing meta must be proposed,Approved by the instructor and approved by the dean can be used。
        In the principle of saving,Students participating in various competitions are implemented in accordance with the regulations of the school,Students cannot take sleeper、EMUs and Star Hotels; actual sales in the municipal Today’s European Cup football predictions transportation fee in the city during the competition,but not reimbursed a taxi ticket,The fees are borne by personal。
        3. The allocation of bonuses obtained by students
        Students who have won the award from the school with funds from the school,40%of them are rewards for students,30%as a reward for teachers,30%remain as a student innovation fund for the School of Computer and Communication Engineering;,Student bonuses are allocated by the instructor。
        4、The sponsorship funds obtained by the company and relevant units、The innovative fund extracted from the bonus obtained by students participating in various competitions、Declars of national and provincial college student innovation and entrepreneurship funds and other funds,Establish a special account 2024 European Cup Official Website Betting Predictions in finance,Implement unified management。
        This regulation is only suitable for the School of Computer and Communication Engineering,If there is a conflict with the school regulations,Perform according to the regulations of the school。
        This provision has been implemented since April 8, 2012.
                                                                                                                               School of Computer and Communication Engineering
                                                                                                                                April 8, 2012

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