blackjack casino

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Equipment name

Computer composition principle blackjack casino box (DAIS-CMX16+type)

Affiliated department

Interface and Communication Technology Lab

Equipment model


table set


Whether it is self -made


blackjack casino Purpose

1. Familiar with the functions and usage methods of DAIS-CMX16+Da Ai Sisi。

2. Master the data transmission blackjack online game format of 16 -bit words and byte operations,Verify the combination function blackjack casino computing function generator and the inlet control。Understand the working principle blackjack casino calculator。

3. Complete arithmetic、Logic、displacement operation experiment,Familiar with the use of ALU computing control bit。

2. The instrument and equipment used in the blackjack casino items

dais-cmx16+ The teaching instrument is a computer composition of the 16 -bit architecture. The blackjack casino box。Computer according to the standard design principle of the general computer。Raise the structure characteristics of the model machine to the level compatible with IBM PC。Use the "Change" instruction format,Use "PLA" concept,Methods blackjack online combined with the combination of memory and combination logic construct a micro -controller,Three -purpose three -bus structure,Have a three -level timing system。

Each unit of each unit is layout of the computer structure model,Clear and clear,and all have digital tubes to display the current content of each component,Data Stream,blackjack casino method has two methods: hard wiring and soft connection,and supporting software systems can be used for multimedia teaching,Logic analysis。

blackjack casino

blackjack casino

Precautions for the use of blackjack casino box:

1、During the blackjack casino process,Do not put the debris on the panel of this machine,To avoid short circuit。

2、The connection method of this machine is divided into two ways: "hard wiring" how to play blackjack and "soft connection",Corresponding "manual" and "online","Micro Control":,When setting every working method,Remember that there must be no double -headed wires on the blackjack casino panel, Set working method after connecting the power。Eliminate frequent changes to work。

3、"Online" and "Micro Control":,Do not insert a double -headed wire on the blackjack casino panel at will。

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