blackjack online game

blackjack online

Project name

10blackjack live Implementing a single -work communication system experiment

The affiliated department

Laboratory of Communication Principles

blackjack live location

Comprehensive Building 905

Course that belongs to

Communication principle

Open professional

Communication Engineering/Electronic Information Engineering

blackjack live Nature


blackjack live level

Professional Course blackjack live

blackjack live Purpose

1. Master the principle of blackjack casino single -work communication system;

2. Correctly connect the blackjack casino single -work communication system circuit;

3. Test the output signal of each module in the blackjack casino single -work communication system,Understand the process of processing and transmission of signal processing and transmission;

4. Disciplinary testing of blackjack casino single -work communication system.

2. The instrument and equipment used in the blackjack live items

Electronic line blackjack live learning machine (TPE-AG type)

Equipment name

Electronic line blackjack live learning machine (TPE-AG type)

The affiliated department

High -frequency circuit laboratory

Equipment model


table set


Whether it is self -made


This learning machine can complete more than 30 experiments specified in low -frequency simulation electronic technology courses and high -frequency electronic line courses。This machine is from the power supply、Signal source、Circuit Development Zone (bread board)、Circuit test area, etc.,5 low -frequency experiment boards and 5 high -frequency blackjack live boards,Each blackjack live board is installed with a transparent blackjack online game protective cover,According to different experiments, you can choose the blackjack live board at will,and conveniently insert into the motherboard blackjack live area。

[] blackjack live

blackjack live

Precautions for Using the blackjack live box:

1、Insert the blackjack live board into the host socket,That is the ground line,But the positive and negative power required for the experiment board must be connected with a wire。

2、Due to the high frequency of high -frequency circuits,Distributed parameters and mutual induction have a greater impact。Therefore, the connection line should be as short as possible when the wiring。The grounding site must be well exposed。to reduce interference。

3、During an amplifier blackjack live, if the waveform is discovered or even becomes a square wave,Check whether the working point settings should blackjack online be correct,or whether the input signal is too large。

4、Pay attention to observation during experiments,If there is a destructive abnormal phenomenon (for example, there is component smoke、hot or odor) should be turned off immediately,Keep the scene,Report instructor。Find the reason、Remove the fault,The instructor agrees to continue blackjack live。

5、When the wiring needs to be changed during the blackjack live,,You should turn off the power to be removed、Wiring。

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