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Project name

blackjack online Address bus composition experiment

Affiliated departments

Interface and Communication Technology Lab

Experimental location

Comprehensive Building 805

Course belongs

The principle of computer composition

Open professional

Computer Science and Technology

Experimental Nature


how to play blackjack Experimental level

Professional Course Experiment

Experimental Purpose

1. Familiar with and understand the composition structure of the address bus、Address source and collection principle。

2. Master the use of the addressing rules and address components of the program segment and the data segment。

2. The instrument and equipment used in the experimental items  

Computer composition principle experimental box (DAIS-CMX16+type)

Equipment name

Computer Composition Principles Experimental Box (DAIS-CMX16+)

Affiliated departments

Interface and Communication Technology Lab

Equipment model


table set


Whether to make it


dais-cmx16+ The teaching instrument is a computers compositional experimental box of the computer composition of sixteen architectures。Computer according to the standard design principle blackjack live of the general computer。Raise the constructive characteristics of the model machine to the level compatible with IBM PC。Using the "Change" instruction format,Use "PLA" concept,Methods combined with a memory and combination logic construct a micro -controller,Three -purpose three -bus structure,Have a three -level timing system。

Each unit of units is layout of a computer structure model,Clear and clear,and all have digital tubes to display the current content of each component,Data flow,The experimental method has two ways: hard wiring and soft connection,and supporting software systems can be used for blackjack casino multimedia teaching,Logic analysis。



Precautions for the use of inspection box:

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    Lecture Title: 16 Address Bus Composition Experiment

    affiliated departments: interface and communication technology laboratory

    Author: Zhang Xu

    Click to download: Click to download the experiment lectures View details: View experiment lecture

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    Courseware Title: 16 Address Bus Composition Experiment

    affiliated departments: interface and communication technology laboratory

    Author: Zhang Xu

    View details: Click to download the courseware

  • []

    Case Title: 16 Address Bus Composition Experiment

    affiliated departments: interface and communication technology laboratory

    Author: Zhang Xu

    View details: Click to view details

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