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Project name

10Single -end experimental box Implementing a single -work communication system experiment

The affiliated department

Laboratory of Communication Principles

Experimental location

Comprehensive Building 905

Course that belongs to

Communication principle

Open professional

Communication Engineering/Electronic Information Engineering

Experimental Nature


Experimental level

Professional Course Experiment

Experimental Purpose

1. Master the principle of single -work communication system;

2. Correctly connect the single -work communication system circuit;

3. Test the output signal of each module in the single -work communication system,Understand the process of processing and transmission of signal processing and transmission;

4. Disciplinary testing of single -work communication system.

2. The instrument and equipment used in the experimental items

Modern Communication Technology Experimental Box (RZ8681)

Equipment name

Modern Communication Technology Experimental Box (RZ8681)

The affiliated department

Laboratory of Communication Principles

Equipment model


table set


Whether it is self -made


Modern Communication Technology Experimental Platform adopts the motherboard plus module structure,Except for basic communication principles experiments,There are various channels to correct the code correction code、Modern modulation technology (software radio)blackjack online 、Channel equilibrium and other experiments; the platform is systematically strong; frequency band communication between the experimental platform、baseband communication、Communication system based on modern modulation technology; experimental platform has both basic experiments,And using new technology and new devices (FPGA、DSP) and other improved experiments,to complete a theoretical verification、Comprehensive、Secondary development,System learning process from low to high。Through these experiments, it can promote students to today's new technologies、Project realization has a more comprehensive understanding。The system uses the flexible structure combined with the "motherboard+experimental blackjack online module",Easy to choose customized and hardware upgrade。


1. Introduction to the experimental platform

1. The physical photo of the experimental platform — the experimental platform consists of an outsole board and various modules


2. The physical photo of the bottom plate

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    Lecture Title: 10 Single -end experimental box Implementing a single work communication system experiment

    Affiliated departments: Laboratory of Communication Principles

    Author: Yang Guang

    Click to download: Click to download the experiment lecture. View details: View experiment lecture

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    Courseware Title: 10 Single Experimental Box Realization of Single Works

    Affiliated departments: Laboratory of Communication Principles

    Author: Yang Guang

    View details: Click to download the courseware

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    Title of the case: 10 single experimental box to realize single work

    Affiliated departments: Laboratory of Communication Principles

    Author: Yang Guang

    View details: Click to view details

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