• Title of the case:  01 Sixteen Machine Transportation Experiments
    blackjack casino Affiliated departments:  Interface and Communication Technology Lab
    Author:  Zhang Xu
    View details:  Click to view details
  • Title of the case:  02 Simulation CT experiment
    blackjack casino Affiliated departments:  Medical Imaging Lab
    Author:  Jia Shuo
    View details:  Click to view details
  • Title of the case:  03cisco router configuration
    blackjack casino Affiliated departments:  Computer Network Lab
    Author:  Guan Ying
    View details:  Click to view details
  • Title of the case:  04 Based on the DSP development program experiment based on C language
    blackjack casino Affiliated departments:  Digital signal processing laboratory
    Author:  Cao Yali
    View details:  Click to view details
  • Title of the case:  05GPIO control experiment
    blackjack casino Affiliated departments:  Wireless sensor network laboratory
    Author:  Lu Yanxia
    View details:  Click to view details
  • Title of the case:  06 Basic interface experiment
    blackjack casino Affiliated departments:  Embedded system and FPGA laboratory
    Author:  Wancong
    View details:  Click to view details
  • Title of the case:  07 Program control exchange principle experiment
    blackjack casino Affiliated departments:  Program control exchange technology laboratory
    Author:  Experimental Teaching Center
    View details:  Click to view details
  • Title of the case:  blackjack live 08 The decomposition and synthetic experiment of signal
    blackjack casino Affiliated departments:  Signal and System Lab
    Author:  Han Guang
    View details:  Click to view details
  • Title of the case:  09 Light Send Module Experiment
    blackjack casino Affiliated departments:  Optical Fiber Communication Lab
    Author:  Han Guang
    View details:  Click to view details
  • Title of the case:  10 Single Experimental Box Implementation Single -work Communication System Experiment
    blackjack casino Affiliated departments:  Communication Principles Lab
    Author:  Yang Guang
    View details:  Click to view details

Next:20 temperature humidity and light collection experiments