Quality indicator

blackjack online Quality Elements

Observation point

Quality Evaluation Standard


Evaluation score

Checking method

Teaching implementation process

Internship content

Internship content

A: Deepen the theoretical knowledge and skills、Extension and extension and comprehensive quality、Engineering practical ability is clear; students accept the actual task of the enterprise,Participate in the production and scientific research process,Specific measures; students participate in social practice activities during the internship,Arrange specific,Plan Implementation。

B: There are requirements for acquiring knowledge and training capabilities,. Students accept the actual task of the enterprise,Participate in the production and scientific research process,There are requirements,. Students have arrangements for participating in social practice activities during the internship。


Internship textbooks, planning books, guidance books, or on -site inspections

Internship guidance work

Guidance work

A: The instructor is strong in responsibility,Pay attention to teaching and educating people,Full care、Guidance and help students,Requirements blackjack casino are clear,The measures are specific; guide students to penetrate the actual situation,Combination of theory and practice,Selected binding point science and feasibility,The effect is good; can be set up academic lectures; can carefully correct the internship report。The number of instructor teachers and the number of internship students ratio & gt; 1/15。

b: The instructor is responsible for the internship,Teaching and educating people,Can lead students to the scene,Theoretical connection is actual。Strict management,The measures are clear and specific。Relevant technical lectures can be held; the number of instructors and intern students can be carefully corrected to take the instructor and the number of intern students & gt; 1/20

C: There are requirements for teaching and educating people,Pay attention to the use of inspiration teaching methods,Being able to correctly correct the internship report,Number of instructor teachers and the number of intern students & gt; 1/30

D: Instructor is not responsible for internship,Management chaos,The effect is not blackjack online good。Number of instructors and the number of intern students & gt; 1/40


Instructor's register,Internship student register,Feedback of students and internship units。

Student internship

Work attitude

A: Student attitude is serious,Active in -depth reality,and workers、Combination of technical personnel,The combination of theory and practice; strictly follow the internship plan,. The attendance rate is good。

b: Student attitude is more serious,Being able to penetrate in depth,Theoretical connection is actual,Do an internship as planned,Good attendance。

C: Student learning status is general,Basically according to the internship plan,Dating rate general。

D: Student attitude is not serious,Perfunctory of internship work,Do not internship as planned,Low attendance rate。


Student survey、attendance form,Internship report and internship summary; feedback from the internship unit。

Disciplinary and Security

A: Students can strictly abide by various rules and regulations,No major security issues occur and the phenomenon that violates discipline。

B: Students can strictly abide by various rules and regulations,Basically blackjack online game there is no major security problem。

C: Most students basically abide by various rules and regulations,A few students exist in the phenomenon of violation of discipline,Basically blackjack online game there is no major security problem。

D: A major accident and security accident occurred during the internship.


Student survey、attendance form,Internship summary; feedback from the internship unit。





Internship quality

A: 80%of the excellent internship rate; most student technical reports and internship summary content deep、Comprehensive,Some of the students have creative insights; comprehensive quality and ability training has significantly improved,Clear understanding of the development of this major,Pioneering vision,Added knowledge。

B :. The excellent rate of internship is 60%; technical report and internship summary meet blackjack live the requirements of the internship outline,Comprehensive quality and ability cultivation has improved,I know the new development of this major。

C: The excellent rate of internship is 30%; technical report and internship summary basically meet blackjack live the requirements of the internship outline,Comprehensive quality and ability cultivation has improved。

D: Excellent internship & lt; 30%; technical report and internship summary basically meet blackjack live the requirements of the internship outline,Comprehensive quality and ability cultivation has improved。


Spring check scores (usually scores and stage test results),Internship report and internship summary。

Comprehensive evaluation

A: Students for internship teaching、Organization work、The condition of the base is satisfied; the company expresses satisfaction with the internship,Reflecting teachers and students is good,Summarized the internship,I proposed an internship teaching reform plan。

B: Students for internship teaching、Organization work、The condition of the base is basically satisfied,Enterprise is satisfied with internship,Reflecting teachers and students general,Put forward teaching reform opinions。


Symposium、Written materials,Feedback of students and internship units。

Evaluation Opinions

Evaluation results

Evaluation Group signature:

Nianyue Day

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