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Project name

07Program control exchange principle experiment

The affiliated department

Program control exchange technology laboratory

Experimental location

Comprehensive Building 921

Course that belongs to

Modern Exchange Technology

Open professional

Communication engineering major

Experimental Nature

Must -choose

experimental level

Professional Course Experiment

Experimental purpose

1、 Familiar with the composition of the experimental how to play blackjack system module and its role in the system

2、 Understanding the principle of program -controlled exchange, the experimental system for telephone communication

3、 Drinking experiments by hand,Enhance the emotional understanding of the automatic exchange of the phone,Experience the superiority of program -controlled exchange technology

4. Learn the circuit work of the programmable switch array module

2. The instrument and equipment used in the experimental items

Program control exchange principle experimental box

Equipment name

Program control exchange principle experimental box

The affiliated department

Program control exchange technology laboratory

Equipment model


table set


Whether it is self -made


The whole set of program -controlled exchange principles The experiment system is mainly composed of 14 modules,Each module has its own independent signal input and output port,In the experimental process, middle school blackjack live students need to use experimental wires to connect each module,To constitute the circuit required by the experiment,This not only strengthened students' hands -on ability,At the same time, students' understanding of the telephone exchange system。


Precautions for Using the experimental box:

1、During the experimental process,Do not place the debris on the panel of this machine,To avoid short circuit。

2、During the experiment,,You must follow the first connection experimental wire,After opening the system power supply,The principle of inserting the experimental wire after closing the system of the system,To avoid damage to the experimental system.

3、If the system work is abnormal,You need to press the "reset" key how to play blackjack to perform experiments,or turn off the power,Re -turn on the power

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  • Lecture Title: 07 Program Control Switching Experiment

    Affiliated departments: Sub -control Exchange Technology Lab

    Author: Experimental Teaching Center

    Click to download: Click to download the experiment lecture. View details: View experiment lecture

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  • Courseware Title: 07 Program control exchange principle experiment

    Affiliated departments: Sub -control Exchange Technology Lab

    Author: Experimental Teaching Center

    View details: Click to download the courseware

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  • Title of the case: 07 Program control exchange principle experiment

    Affiliated departments: Sub -control Exchange Technology Lab

    Author: Experimental Teaching Center

  • View details: Click to view details

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