blackjack online game

how to play blackjack

Project name

08The decomposition and synthetic experiment of the blackjack online game

The affiliated department

blackjack online game and System Lab

blackjack online game location

Comprehensive Building 911

Course that belongs to

blackjack online game and system analysis

Open professional

Communication engineering, electronic information engineering, biomedical engineering

blackjack online game Nature


blackjack online game level

Professional Course Experiment

blackjack online game Purpose

1、Analyzing the spectrum of 50Hz non -sine cycle signals with the same analysis method,and compare the frequency and coefficients of each Fourier level number;

2. Observe the synthesis of the base wave and its harmonic.

2. The instrument and equipment used in the blackjack online game items

blackjack online game and System Experimental BoxTKSS-Btype)

Equipment name

blackjack online game and System Experimental Box (TKSS-Btype)

The affiliated department

blackjack online game and System Lab

Equipment model


table set


Whether to make it


"Signal and System Analysis" is a communication project、Electronic Information Engineering、An important professional basic course in a majors such as biomedical engineering,It is also the main course of the corresponding professional courses of domestic colleges and universities。Due to the basic concept of the core of the course、Basic blackjack online game theory and analysis methods are very important,Open the necessary experiments to deepen the basic theory and analysis method for students,It has great benefits to cultivate students' ability to analyze and solve problems。

TKSS-B teaching instrument is an integrated blackjack online game and system experimental box。The following 5 experiments can be completed: the decomposition and synthesis of the blackjack online game、Sampling and recovery of the blackjack online game、Simulation of the second -order network function、Observation of the characteristics of the filter and the display of the second -order network status trajectory。


Figure 1 blackjack online game box appearance


Figure 2 Internal module of the experiment box

Precautions for Using the blackjack online game box:

1、During the experiment,Do not put the debris on the panel of this machine,blackjack online to avoid short circuit;

2、The blackjack online game amplitude generated by the function blackjack online game generator should not be too large,Otherwise, entering the chip will produce wave cutting phenomena;

3、Switch the output waveform through the right side of the function blackjack online game generator and adjust the generated waveform frequency range。

  • []

  • Lecture Title: Decomposition and synthesis of signals

    Affiliated departments: blackjack online game and system laboratory

    Author: Han Guang

  • []

  • Courseware Title: Decomposition and Synthetic Experiment of Signals

    Affiliated departments: blackjack online game and system laboratory

    Author: Han Guang

  • []

  • Title of the case: decomposition and synthetic experiment of blackjack online game blackjack online game

    Affiliated departments: blackjack online game and system laboratory

    Author: Han Guang

    View details: Click to view details

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