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Project name

03 ciscoConfiguration of the router

The affiliated department

blackjack online

blackjack online location

Comprehensive Building 808

blackjack online Course that belongs to

Computer blackjack online

Open professional

Electronic information engineering, communication engineering,

Computer Science and Technology

blackjack online Nature


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Professional Course Experiment

blackjack online Purpose

Understand the basic characteristics of the configuration of Cisco blackjack online equipment and the basic operation method of iOS command

2. The instrument and equipment used in the blackjack online items

Router (Router), also known as gateway device (Gateway), is a blackjack online that is used to connect multiple logic,The so -called logical blackjack online represents a separate blackjack online or a subnet。When the data is transmitted how to play blackjack from one subnet to another subnet,can be completed by the router's routing function。Therefore,The router has the function of judging blackjack online address and selecting IP paths,It can be in multiple blackjack online interconnection environments,Establish flexible connection,It can be connected to various seed networks with completely different data grouping and medium access methods,The router only accepts information about the source station or other routers,An interconnection device with blackjack online layer。

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CISCO router

Precautions for Using the blackjack online box:

1、During the blackjack online blackjack live process,Pay attention to the matching of the connection line and the device interface。

2. Waiting for the router to start completely and then perform the next step.

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  • Lecture Title: 03CISCO router configuration

    Affiliated departments: blackjack online

    Author: Guan Ying

    Click to download: Click to download the experiment lectures View details: View experiment lecture

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  • Courseware title: 03CISCO router configuration

    Affiliated departments: blackjack online

    Author: Guan Ying

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  • Title of the case: 03cisco router configuration

    Affiliated departments: blackjack online

    Author: Guan Ying

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