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Project name

02Simulation CT blackjack live

The affiliated department

Medical Imaging Lab

blackjack casino blackjack live location

Comprehensive Building 908

Course belongs

Medical imaging and system

Open professional

Biomedical Engineering

blackjack live Nature


blackjack live level

Professional Course blackjack live

[] blackjack live

1. blackjack live purpose

1. Understand the basic principle of CT imaging

2. Learn to use iteration methods for image reconstruction

3. Understand the body、Gray degree and other concepts,Learn for the calculation of CT value

4. Experience the clinical significance of simulation experiments

2. Instrument introduction

The simulation CT blackjack live device consists of a computer and a blackjack live meter,Connect through the serial port,The laboratory includes blackjack online game a launch light source and detector,Small blackjack live table and other structures,Through six experiments,Simulation of the Langbeier Law、Gray、Window and window width、CT image reconstruction and other CT instruments important blackjack live principles,and give a more intuitive understanding。

The blackjack live part is controlled by software,The layout of the models of each experiment is clear,And supporting learning software systems can perform principles and blackjack live processes。

Three, precautions for the use of the blackjack live meter:

blackjack casino 1. During the blackjack live, the serial line is prohibited.

2、Movement and rotation of the blackjack live table,Control and implementation through step motor,Forbidden manual。

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  • Lecture Title: 02 Simulation CT blackjack live

    Affiliated departments: Medical Imaging Lab

    Author: Jia Shuo

    Click to download: Click to download the blackjack live lectures View details: View blackjack live lecture

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  • Courseware title: 02 Simulation CT blackjack live courseware

    Affiliated departments: Medical Imaging Lab

    Author: Jia Shuo

    View details: Click to download the courseware

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  • Title of the case: 02 Simulation CT blackjack live

    Affiliated departments: Medical Imaging Lab

    Author: Jia Shuo

  • View details: Click to view details

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